PlanbookEdu 2004

PlanbookEdu 2008

PlanbookEdu Today

About PlanbookEdu
PlanbookEdu has users in all 50 states of the United States, and in many other countries around the world. To date, there have been close to a one hundred million entries, which has saved approximately 2.5 million sheets of paper.
Thanks to the feedback of its members, PlanbookEdu now boasts features such as file attachment, sharing, collaborating, the ability to embed a planbook in a website, the incorporation of the Common Core Standards, and creating custom standards.
Erika Curry has ten years of classroom experience, and holds an M.A.T. in Elementary Education and an M.Ed. in Instruction. Education and technology are strong interests of hers, and PlanbookEdu allows her to foster both.
Matt Curry has a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. He has over 10 years of web and software experience, and has been the lead developer for several major companies.